Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm bored of cheap and cheerful.

In the last week, I have:

1) killed my computer
This, friends, is why you haven't heard from me in so long. I'm fine, my computer is not. My thesis work, however, is safe. I knew you were wondering.

2) seen a Russian wearing a shirt I own
How did I know she was Russian? Her friend was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt. Guys, it's official -- the transformation has begun. Wait til I tell you about Kostya, my counterfeit Gucci bag, and ability to wear 4 inch heels in the rain.

3) read, analyzed, and summarized every known English language media source on the topic of the Obama visit in Moscow.
Ask me anything.

4) gone to the Moscow Beer Festival... three times
(p.s. Thomas -- when someone texted you asking if you wanted a shirt from the beer festival, who did you THINK it was?)

5) mastered the art of cutting in at the escalator, elbowing my way into a car, and getting the best seat on the metro.
I refined my technique from a mere week of rush hour commuting. See #2 above.

In the last week, I have not:
1) tried a new bakery
Why would I, when it's so delicious?

2) refrained from buying film star Meddy merchandise
Ditto, sort of.

3) managed to actually get into the Botanic Gardens
Although we did circumambulate them.

4) gone on the Baltika hot air balloon
Details will follow in an account of how Daniel and I have an unofficial competition to see who can make the other do the most ridiculous thing. Spoiler: Daniel is winning.

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures here, although I have been saving them for you. And stories about propisk frustrations, six men with 30 beers, even more crazy fashion, and a special feature -- a blog exchange with Charlie while I'm in St. Petersburg.

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