Wednesday, July 1, 2009

As promised, part a

Highlights from the Festival for regional radio:

1. Ira Glass gave a lecture on Sunday where he he talked about how This American Life gets put together, played some excerpts, and discussed his general approach to journalism. None of the Russians thought it was funny; meanwhile, I was cracking up the whole time, a. which was sort of part of the phenomenon where you meet someone abroad who is American and you have an instant if spurious bond and b. while sitting in the middle of the second row, right in his line of vision. All of this culminates in my approaching him after the show and gushing over any number of things, including chicago, tal, my old commute, harvard, moscow. I have to give him credit for playing it cool when I couldn't and even managing to look pleased. Anyway, here's us with my new friend Evgeniy.

2. Lots of interesting lectures, or if not interesting at least relevant to my research, plus a free bag and a directory of independent outlet journalists. (I know this is not of general interest, but a free bag! journalists' contact information!)

Honestly, that's about it. Otherwise I spent five hours a day listening to lectures that I just KNEW were packed with important information but which I couldn't quite get my ear around.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous you gushed to Ira in person. I'm sure you were quite adorable as I would have been a moron. PS This blog is so funny. Ice cream architecture- brilliant, Millenial Woolf, brilliant.
